PC gaming is constantly advancing, there has never been a trackable 'generation' of graphics on PC. With each iteration of the DirectX API and advancement in hardware/drivers PC games see a constant trickle of upgrades and leaps in fidelity.
This game would collapse a current console with the graphics set as they are on my PC.
With consoles, the gamers get ~5 years of seeing essentially the same graphics, so the contrast of a new 'generation' seems stark. On PC it is a slowly increasing level of graphical prowess. We aren't locked into generations on PC.
Ergo, it is a misnomer to suggest that PC gaming isn't leaps and 'generations' ahead of console. PC is at least 4 generations of graphical prowess newer than console.
These all represent things the NEXT consoles will see, and console gamers will call that 'next-gen'.
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